image processing
⚠️ only support for format image jpg or png
IMAGE OCR - Tesseract
IMG class adalah class khusus untuk optical character recognition, dibangun menggunakan teserract ocr php, tesseract OCR Enggine sendiri merupakan software Open source yang dikembangkan oleh google team dengan bahasa c++ . reference :
disini saya menggunakan windows sebagai OS, jadi saya termasuk windows users, untuk temen temen lain yang ingin menggunakan OCR wajib menginstall capture2text version 3.9 recommend menggunakan chocolately packages for windows. selengkapnya bisa read di sini
full doc about tesseract ocr for php
for install choco
install used administrative powershell
choco install capture2text --version 3.9
file test untuk file test bisa di check di halaman ini
Image Processing
- Rescaling | done
- binarisation | done
- noise removal | done
- dilation / erotion | beta
- rotation / deskewing | not ready
- borders | not ready
- transparancy / alpha channel | not ready
basic usage image processing my librar and you need install imagick php and gdimage2
basic usage
paramter optional for image processing :
rescaling default
- 1200 DPI
Binarisation default :
- threshold = 0.44
- channel = 1
- quality = 5
include "vendor/autoload.php";
use Nagara\Src\Img\ImgMagic;
use Nagara\Src\Img\ImageProcessing;
// convert image to black and white step 1
$image = new ImgMagic;
$path = "kk2.png";
$image->filter($path, "grayscale");
// image processing step 2 # example 1
$imgProcess = new ImageProcessing($path);
$imgProcess->showImage(); # return image
// image processing step 2 # example 2
$imgProcess = new ImageProcessing($path);
$imgProcess->Rescaling(1500); # only rescaling
$imgProcess->ShowImage(); # return image
get info
basic get information
$path = "kk2.png";
$imgProcess = new ImageProcessing($path);
$imgProcess->GetDimension(); # return only string with and height
MIX with Tesseract OCR
include "vendor/autoload.php";
use Nagara\Src\Img\ImgParser;
use Nagara\Src\Img\ImgMagic;
use Nagara\Src\Img\ImageProcessing;
// convert image to black and white
$image = new ImgMagic;
$path = "indonesia.png";
$image->filter($path, "grayscale");
// image processing
$imgProcess = new ImageProcessing($path);
// $imgProcess->showImage();
// ocr
$img = new ImgParser('C:\Program Files\Tesseract-OCR\tesseract.exe'); # example path exe'C:\Program Files\Tesseract-OCR\tesseract.exe'
$img->parseFile($path, "recognition");
tesseract setup
install capture2text for windows
choco install capture2text --version 3.9
install tesseract lang
choco install tesseract --force `tesseract-lang
this code maintenace by me miyuki nagara